Saturday, June 11, 2016

My review for Good Thins Crackers, Spinach and Garlic, 3.75 Ounce!!!

These Good Thin Crackers are delicious! There light in crisp & packed full of flavor.,

I am beyond addicted to these Good Thins "The Potato One" Spinach & Garlic flavor by Nabisco. I am not sure if a lot of people know of Kroger but I am apart of the Kroger Plus Family. Where you get a Kroger Plus card for free & you can download savings/coupons on your card prior to shopping. Every Friday they have a promotional item in which you can download onto your card & pick up from the store for free. Well these were one of the promotional items & I had the choice between a few different flavors but figured I would try the Spinach & Garlic. I do not like Spinach but this is the only flavor that sounded semi good plus I figured hey its free so no money wasted. When I opened them up I seriously didn't even want to taste one, only because of the Spinach. But I figured what the heck I am at home & can spit it out. I bit into one and my goodness it was like an explosion of flavor in my mouth. They taste almost like sour cream & onion with garlic. I kinda ate the whole box rather quickly & went back to the store to grab another box & there were no more on the shelves.

So I came to Amazon where I know I can find everything especially when stores no longer have something. Any who I ended up snagging 2 more boxes. Now I am currently waiting for them to restock so I can buy some more. There so light & crisp with such amazing flavor if you don't like spinach I guarantee you will like these. I was taking my sister to the emergency room for a sunburn & was snacking on these. I said "ya want one"? She didn't ask the flavor and took one. She then went in for a handful I said "you know what flavor these are"? She replies "What sour cream & onion"? I said "No, Spinach & Garlic". She was shocked that they tasted so good. You really can't tell its spinach.

Another thing I really like about these Good Thins is you can have 23 thins & that is only 130 calories. I am very happy I was able to try these because if I wouldn't have I would have missed out!! I do recommend these & promise you that you will love them. Even if Spinach is gross to you, you will love these. Now the Chickpea & rice ones I do not like those. There bland with not much flavor just my opinion.

You can purchase these Good Thins Crackers by Nabisco on Amazon! Here is the link: Click Here!!! 

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