I NEED More!!! Oh M G.. These 3D Colorful Butterfly Glow In The Dark Wall Stickers are just beautiful.
I absolutely love butterflies! For me they relax me, and give me a sence of peace and comfort. When I was afforded the opportunity to purchase these 3D Colorful Butterfly PVC Glow In The Dark Wall Stickers at a discounted price, I purchased them immediately. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas to get here. I kept checking the tracking because I was that excited. When they arrived I did not want to take them out of the package that is how beautiful they are. Pictures do not do them justice!!! But of course I had to take them out as I just couldn't wait to put them on my ceiling in my room. So at night I can lay there and drift off into dreamland. Butterflies for some reason just put my mind at ease. I'd love these even if they didn't glow!
These Dalin 3D Colorful Butterfly PVC Wall Stickers are just beautiful! I really cannot get over how gorgeous the butterflies are and the color/designs they picked just make them that much more pretty. Definitely eye-catching. Even the back of the butterflies are beautiful, I love anything really thats colorful and that changes colors when moving the pieces. Now before I even applied the PVC Wall Stickers on my ceiling I made sure I wiped the ceiling so there was no dust or anything that would prevent it from sticking. Now when peeling the stickers off the plastic they come on, be careful so you do not tare the off the receptors on the butterfly which is the 2 ears that come off of the head. Once I got the sticker off the plastic I placed on my ceiling. They went on very easy and if for some reason you get a bubble, they easily pull back up with out messing up the paint. Which I love that about them. Now make sure because I didn't that you put them in a room that gets a lot of light. I have to open my curtains during the day to allow more sunlight to come in and a half hour before bed I turn my bedroom light on. The light is what activates the butterflies to glow. During the day there absolutely gorgeous to look at, & they really look 3D & at night they glow completely which is exactly what I wanted. Now I need to get more so I can fill my entire ceiling with butterflies & stars.
I highly recommend these 3D Colorful Butterfly PVC Glow In The Dark Wall Stickers. Especially for children! I know all kids will love them, & adults including myself.
I purchased these 3D Colorful Butterfly PVC Glow In The Dark Wall Stickers by Dalin, at a discounted rate in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My opinion is 100% my own, based solely on my own personal experience.
You can purchase these 3D Colorful Butterfly PVC Wall Stickers That Glow In The Dark, On Amazon!Here is the link: Click Here They only cost $7.99 you seriously cannot beat that price
This Diamond Studded Clutch Purse is so beautiful. When it arrived I just couldn't stop looking at it. I didn't even want to use it, I wanted to keep it in the package LOL. But since I have a wedding I will be attending I can't leave it in the package! First of all I love the size of this clutch purse. Most clutch purses are so small and you can maybe fit your phone and keys in there and thats it. This clutch purse is the perfect size, its not too small nor to big. I can fit my ZTE N9100 Force phone in it, my keys, compact, eyeliner, lipgloss, & a travel size perfume & my small wallet which I put my money and ID in. And there is still room left to put more stuff. This gorgeous clutch purse has a pocket/compartment inside which you can put stuff in which that is where I sit my eyeliner & lip gloss. The reason being is because sometimes the caps tend to come off and if I sit them there the caps cant slide of as they fit snug in the pocket/compartment. I love that this clutch purse securely closes, the last clutch purse I owned when snapping it shut it still would be opened enough to see inside. I did not like that. I do not have that issue with this clutch purse. The clasp is also very nice, it even has diamond studs which really make this clutch purse stand out. Another thing that is awesome is, it has a handle on it for carrying it in your hand. BUT it also comes with a a linked chain so you can wear it on the shoulder or you can just use the metal handle. I love that they gave us 2 option which make it that much better. Now the detail on this clutch purse is amazing. The beads, sequens & diamond studs are evenly placed. They are all over the clutch purse. So much detail its perfect. Its elegant/classy, very well made. I took some pictures but they do not do this clutch purse justice. I am very pleased and I cannot wait to wear it to the wedding I will be attending.
I highly recommend this Diamond Studded Evening Clutch Purse. It would be great for all events in which you have to dress up for or you can use it al the time if you'd like. It would also make a great gift! I am glad I own this exquisite clutch purse.
I was afforded the opportunity to review this Diamond Studded Clutch Purse for FREE, in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My opinion is 100% my own, & based solely on my own personal experience.
You can purchase this Diamond Studded Clutch Purse On Amazon! Here is the link: Click HereThe Original Price was $99.99 On Sale Now For $39.99
I can now ride anytime of the day thanks to this AWESOME FlashBright LED Bike Light!!!,
I am so glad I purchased this FlashBright LED Bike Light + Free Taillight. I bought a Whetstone Bicycle Headlight and Taillight Set from Walmart not too long ago. And lets just say after putting the batteries in I was very disappointed that it did not work. I wound up having to take it back and getting a replacement. When I got home and put the batteries in I was like seriously this is what you call a freaking bike light. I was so mad! I wasted gas, and time for what. For something to be a piece of junk! So I started looking around and I ended up purchasing this FlashBright LED Bike Light.
It arrived faster than expected, and it comes in a nice little box that you can keep, that way when winter comes or if you want to store it you can. You can immediately see the quality in the materials, not only by just looking but by holding them. Heavy Duty, and very nice! Now when I first put the batteries in and turned the FlashBright LED Bike Light on I was pleasantly surprised at how bright it truly is. Its so bright you can actually feel the heat coming from the light. Now you can zoom in x1 or zoom out x2000. I love that this light allows you to zoom in and out and easily, while riding your bike. Now all you have to do while riding is take your left or right hand whichever side you put it on, and pull the head of the FlashBright LED Bike Light out and there you go. At night my street gets fairly dark and with all the raccoons and cats, dogs you name it. Its nice knowing I can take off on my bike and not have to worry about not being able to see in front of me and cars can see me while driving. Another thing those animals wont mess with me either. Which is definitely huge for me, because raccoons scare the crap out of me. Now when you zoom out the light expands and highlights the surrounding area. For example you know when your driving and you have to put your brights on because its so dark and you can't see very well. That is exactly what zoom out does, it brightens the street while expanding enough to see both sides of the road and sidewalks. Very very nice! You need no tools to put this FlashBright LED Bike Light on, and another thing I really love is say your riding your bike to the store and you don't want to leave the light on your bike. You can just put the flashlight out and take it with you. The clamp which holds the flashlight will still be intact when you get back. Also say your riding and it begins to rain/storm you don't have to worry about the light being damaged as its waterproof. That just shows that this bike light was well designed & well thought out. FlashBright thought of absolutely everything when designing this bike light. It takes 3(AAA) Batteries, which are NOT included.
I was excited to see that I got a Bonus Tail Light! Again you need no tools to put this Tail Light on. The Tail Light has a red silicone housing which is waterproof and you just need to clip it on. It has 3 modes, Red light, Slow blinking red light, & fast blinking red light. Once you attached it to your bike you press the button on the bottom once. And it will light up red, just like a car there tail lights are red when driving or breaking. Now say you come into some trouble and need help, you just click the button again and this will signal the SOS which is a blinking red light! It blinks fast, so if you want to slow it down a little just click it one more time. Now if you need to change out the battery all you have to do is, take the silicone housing off. Which is very easy, then pull up on the white back. This will reveil the battery which is a 3V Lithium Battery! I am very happy with this flashbright LED bike light. And I also love that its backed by a lifetime warranty!
I honestly believe everyone should own a bike light! The reflectors you can buy don't work as well as they used too. When its foggy you can't see the reflectors! Or if its raining bad you cannot see the reflectors. Now with this Bike Light & Tail Light you look like a car at night and everyone can see you. You don't have to worry about being hit by oncoming traffic. All children should have a bike light and tail light on there bikes even if they don't ride at night. Its better safe than sorry! I highly recommend this FlashBright LED Bike Light by FlashBright! I purchased this FlashBright LED Bike Light at a discounted rate, in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My opinion is 100% my own, & based solely on my own personal experience.
You can purchase this FlashBright LED Bike Light + Tail Light by FlashBright on Amazon! Here is the link: Click HereOriginal Price Was $89.99 On Sale Now For $39.97
WOW!! I Am Stoked About This Professional Hair Dryer. A Must Buy!, I am impressed!!
My blow dryer blew after only a few months of buying it!! It was a a Revlon Laser Brilliance Blow Dryer. With Revolutionary Heat 1875 Watts, Ceramic, Ionic & had 2 heat/2 speed settings. I had it for literally 3 months. Mind you I blow dry my hair every day or every other day & usually it only takes about 5 minutes to blow dry my hair as its thin & short. So for it to blow that quick really upset me.
I was offered the opportunity to test/review this Professional Hair Dryer by Prodryer at discounted rate in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My opinion is 100% my own. And it couldn't have came at a better time. When it arrived I was so excited, as the pictures don't even do it justice. When I opened the box I was surprised at how nice it was. When I held it for the first time I felt like a professional. You know how when you go to the salon and they pull out their nice blow dryer & your hair looks amazing when their finished. Well that's exactly how this one makes me feel.
I love how when holding this blow dryer your fingers are secured in place. It has finger grooves which stops your fingers from sliding which is really nice! You can feel that this Professional Hair Dryer is quality made before even turning it on. The cord alone tells you that it has a strong motor. The width of the cord is thicker than the average blowdryer you would buy from the store. Which tells you that the cord is the proper size to support the 2100 watt motor. You don't have to worry about bunching the cord up, because when you un do it, it looks exactly like it came. No kinks or anything. Which is another indicator that its a legit professional hair dryer. Its light weight, & has 5 settings. Power off, drying speed, cool air shot(Which is always a plus because I like using this towards the end of blow drying my hair. To get my fly away's to lay down.) There is a setting for hot drying & a hot blast switch. Unlike the regular blow dryers that usually only offer cold, & 1 hot setting.
Its made with Ceramic Tourmaline technology, which is healthier for your hair. Keeps it safe by maximizing the negative ions to close the cuticle layer. Its also made with Ionic Technology which leaves your hair silky smooth with a nice shine! When I shower I throw my hair up in a towel get dressed then blow dry my hair! After using this you couldn't even tell I used a hair dryer. My hair looked much healthier, it had a silky feel to it, no frizziness which makes me happy. The cord is 3ft long, I measured!! Having a cord this long allows me to move around, allowing me to multi-task. Unlike the blow dryers you buy from the store that restrict you from even moving a ft away. I also love that the back comes off for easy cleaning. A lot of models do not offer this. So when I seen I could take it off I was ecstatic. When blow drying your hair dust collects on the air filter/fan & that needs to be cleaned frequently to assure longevity of this professional hair dryer. It also has a hook where the cord starts so you can hang it on a nail or hook. Also it comes with 2 different size nozzles to attach to the hair dryer in the front. These are used for styling, which will direct the air to one section of your hair.
This hair dryer is definitely a must buy!! I feel everyone should own one. Why waste money on ones from the store when you can own this one at an affordable price, knowing it will last you a long time. Overall I love this professional hair dryer by Prodryer! I highly recommend this product to anyone in the market for one, even as a gift.
Again, I recieved this Profession Hair Dryer by Prodryer at a discounted rate, in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My opinion is 100% my own!! You can purchase this Professional Hair Dryer by Prodryer on Amazon!Here is the Link: Click HereOriginal Price was $119.99 On Sale Now For $79.99
You Name It, You Can Label It!!! Definitely A Must-Have
I am so excited about these Chalkboard Labels from HD Chalks. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always loved labeling things. Which usually its with permanent marker, or taking a piece of paper and taping them on jars, storage containers etc. But then when I change my mind & want to put something else in place of say my recipes then I end up either putting another label over top or scraping the old label off for it to leave nasty sticky stuff or, it not wanting to come off so I end up throwing it away. I've done this alot. Especially when I use permanent marker. Which is was I was doing mostly it was quicker for me, & finger nail polish would work but not on everything. I would waste a ton of money on Post It notes too.
Now I will no longer have to waste money! Now I can take my money I am saving and buy more makeup or nail polish.. Sounds so much better than I need to go buy some Post It Notes. With these Chalkboard Labels, you can stick them ANYWHERE & I mean that literally. You can stick it on whatever you want & take it off when you no longer need it on whatever you place it on. Or if you want to keep the Chalkboard label on say the storage container in which reads Odds & Ends, but want to erase Odds & Ends & put Toys or something different. Just grab a napkin or washcloth get it a little wet. It does not need to be soaked or anything. Just get it damp, wipe off "Odds & Ends" & then write Toys or whatever else you want to put on it. That simple! No scrubbing or having to throw it away when you no longer need the label. And say your done with the label completely you can easily take it off and stick it back to the paper it came on.
I seriously love these! I even took some pictures to give examples of what you can put the labels on. I also love the design of these labels, there not your ordinary square or rectangle. This way there not a eye sore. Instead Friends & Family will come over and be like I like those.
These Chalkboard Labels would be ideal for kids to organize their rooms, such as toys/books/homework/games. There ideal for the kitchen to label the recipe container, sugar & flour containers/jars or to label the cupboards. If your like me, you will be labeling everything!! I have an office & I love being completely organized so this will help me out tremendously! I can now label my bins, and file cabinets, my makeup containers, nail polish bin.
I mean you name it, You can label it.
Another thing these Chalkboard Labels are good for, is Inspirational/Motivational Quotes/Sayings. You can write your quote on the label then place it on your coffee bug or tumbler. Then when you want to change it up you can wipe it off with a damp towel/paper towel or napkin & then write the next quote you want on it. I could keep going on and on! These Chalkboard Labels are nifty and can be used for a wide range of things.. And there reusable! Thats AMAZING.
I highly recommend these Chalkboard Labels by HD Chalks.. It comes with 52 Chalkboard Labels, different shapes & sizes. Also these labels come with a HD Chalks Liquid Chalk Marker. You really can't beat the price either. Especially considering there reusable.
I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to review these Chalkboard Labels by HD Makers, at a discounted rate in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My opinion is 100% my own. You can purchase these Chalkboard Labels by HD Chalks on Amazon! Here is the Link: Click HerePrice $9.99
I love how these Best Nail Clipper's are designed! First of all you can clearly tell there heavy duty nail clippers just by holding them. You know how some large nail clipper's are lightweight & break/snap when trying to clip a thick toe nail? Instead of clipping the toe nail, the piece of the clippers you pushed down just snaps off. Another thing I love is that these Best Nail Clipper's are stainless steel meaning they won't rust. I have chubby fingers and have a hard time getting a good grip on nail clippers, but no issue with these. There large & very sharp, I have thick toe nails and I barely have to press down on these clippers and my toe nails are clipped. These clippers actually cut right through the nail, unlike others that clip but tare the toe nail. So then you have to cut them super short, & file them. These clippers clip them nicely no filing needed. Which saves me a lot of time.
These are much thicker, & because there stainless steel you get a much better grip. Your fingers don't slide at all. I dislike fumbling with clippers, I want to grip, clip and be done. Not have the clippers move around on me!!
I Highly Recommend these Best Nail Clippers by EasyPress Clippers.Your probably thinking oh my the price is pretty steep! But if you think about it these clippers are backed with a Lifetime Guarantee. Because EasyPress stands behind their product 100%. They know this pair will be the last pair you will ever buy.
I received these Best Nail Clippers by EasyPress Free in exchange for my unbiased opinion! My opinion is 100% my own. My words are based solely on my own personal experience!
You can purchase these Nail Clippers by Clearline on Amazon!,Here is the Link:Click HereOriginal Price is $29.97 On Sale Now For $14.97
Very Nice High Quality LED Headlamp, Way Better Than Other's I've Tried...
This LED Headlamp By Tiny Lamplight is really nice! First I want to start off by saying I love how comfortable it is. All the other Headlamps I've used/owned hurt my head. The elastic band/strap that stretches to put on your head was either super tight even when loosening the strap or way to big. Or I would get an indent on the front of my forehead from the Headlamp itself. Or they would snag my hair oh I hated that because I am already starting to lose my hair in the back. I DO NOT have that issue with this LED Headlamp. The strap is adjustable and fits perfectly.
The Headlamp can move in a 45° degree angle, this is great because say your walking you can leave the Headlamp the way it is. If your trying to work say on your car and want the light to shine down then you just grab the headlamp and move it downwards. It has 4 settings, High Beam(Brighter), Low Beam(Bright), 2 Red Beam(2 red lights appear 1 on each side of where the bright light is located) & 2 Red Strobe Lights(Which Blink on and off). Tap the button the 5th time to turn off. I also liked that this LED Headlamp came with batteries, so I didn't need to get those separate. For this price you can't beat it! This Headlamp is Quality made, and well thought out.
I highly recommend this Headlamp!
I received this LED Headlamp by Tiny Lamplight at a discounted rate, in exchange for my unbiased opinion. My words are based solely on my own personal experience with the product. My words are 100% my own! You can purchase this LED Headlamp Flashlight for Camping by Zoltan's Tools on Amazon! Here is the link:Click HereOriginal Price is $35.00 On Sale Now For $14.95.